Peer Money

  • Gold Backs
  • Monero
  • Pirate Chain
  • Dero
  • USDC
  • Polygon
  • Divisible silver
  • Divisible gold

Money needs to have several qualities in order to be real money. Not easily printable or created out of thin air, fungible, divisible, holds its value over long periods of time, can not be confiscated, can not be loaned out without something backing it, easy to transact with and most important it must allow for private transactions.

The dollar no longer has most of these qualities especially if most of it is in a bank account therefore it will eventually lose all of its value. If you have a bank account you don’t own or control any of your financial assets. The dollar is more like a ponzi scheme with a lot of players. USDC, Polygon and Bitcoin are useful digital bridge currencies to move into privacy based fungible digital currencies that will hold their value and appreciate in value as people realize what is real money. They are listed here only for the reason of converting from US dollars to privacy focused crypto currencies.

Goldbacks, divisible gold and silver will work in a grid down scenario. Might even want to throw in some ammo trading for those who live in countries where firearms are legal. Ammo by itself can actually be a form of money.