Its only a matter of time the US dollar will collapse. The collapse will be controlled but the end result will be a total loss of US dollar value. Its likely hyper inflation will be used to collapse the system. There is a world of decentralized finance waiting on the sidelines to replace the dollar.
During that transition central banks will be pushing a central bank digital currency CBDC to replace the collapsed US dollar. Many will jump from one sinking ship to another sinking ship. Central bank currencies will come with spending limitations, account lock downs, digital money creation out of nowhere and corruption.
A central bank digital currency (CBDC) could be bad for even more reasons. Firstly, it would allow the government to monitor your spending habits and potentially restrict certain transactions or purchases based on political preferences. Secondly, a CBDC might make people more reliant on the government as they may not have access to cash in case of an emergency shutdown of digital systems. Thirdly, if implemented poorly, a CBDC could lead to privacy issues such as tracking your every purchase and movement through your mobile phone or other devices connected to it. Lastly, there is also concern that a CBDC might make the government more powerful by controlling the money supply and potentially leading to hyperinflation in case of mismanagement.
A decentralized world wide web that protects the privacy of individuals may be a whole new system of wireless, fiber networks and operating systems that replace the current AI controlled centralized internet. You will start to hear the concept of no corp or not incorporated where every individual will have the opportunity to offer uncensored P2P solutions. Nothing Microsoft or Google offers is true about protection of privacy while main stream and main stream alternative media online keep pushing centralized narratives and fear. Privacy happens with self ownership of encryption keys, the use of open source operating systems, decentralized person AI assistants, VPNs, ephemeral data systems, privacy based blockchains with smart contract capabilities and decentralized cloud farms. All of these solutions already exists by the way but are not widely used today. That will change rapidly in the next few years especially if people get wiped out in a financial collapse.
Its difficult to predict how the parallel economy will grow but there is some indication it will eventually break away and create its own world wide web protected by an AI that understands free markets. The accelerated collapse of fiat government currencies, continuous funding of wars, the continued destruction of the quality of our food, AI pushing false narratives will help accelerate the transition to a more decentralized world wide web. Its a natural transition to a more decentralized world as people have seen their life savings get wiped away in cycles for nearly the past century. People will start to see how those who practice digital sovereignty are more wealthy, happier, healthier and can think and express more independent ideas without censorship. They will have access to knowledge and products that is not available to the masses. They are simply living a better and more sustainable life free from propaganda, false narratives and disinformation.
If the current internet continues down the road of censorship, invading the privacy of individuals, digital IDs and central bank digital currencies this control grid will eventually fail due to its restrictive nature against human creativity, independence and advancement. AI will assist in keeping the control grid in place and at some point there will be AI wars between freedom based AI and control grid AI. Free will of humans and free market economies will be the only societies that provide a comfortable life and good future for generations to come.
During this transition the technologies that move societies in the direction of decentralization will be mocked by main stream media as dangerous uncontrollable economies with radical ideas and solutions that do not work which are not safe for individuals and only used by criminals. All of which is a complete fabrication and so far from the truth it will eventually be obvious the centralized world of fabricated realities, lies and malicious agendas to keep a small group of people in power will not survive.
Learn from the founder of peerthings, a futurist and realist with decades of experience with hi-tech, blockchain and decentralization. The concepts and ideas learned at peerthings could open you up to a whole new world of financial freedom and prosperity.
Our goal is preserving freedom through decentralization offering the following. Tips and tricks, decentralized software, privacy based crypto recommendations, on-chain apps, ephemeral apps, webinars discussing the future of the decentralized world, the use of AI to give real and true knowledge and power to the people and to protect privacy and preserve human rights using technology in a positive way. Empowering those who would like to experience and benefit from a new world of decentralized technologies.
The suppression and destruction of humanity has been ongoing since the invention of the TV. When internet started it created massive opportunities until governments got a hold of it and destroyed innovation and wealth generation. AI will do the same if we don’t harness its power for the people or if we let it control us. The key will be for humanity to not let AI take full control and to avoid or give alternatives when AGI takes full control of the world. AGI could wipe out the human race but decentralization may be the only option to help the human race survive.
Cryptocurrency was one of the first steps towards power for the people and it still has just as much potential as AI that works for the people. We are in the infancy of these technologies and we know for sure they will be used against people. In the next decade the outcome will depend on how decentralized the world will be and how smart the human race will be in order to reject all centralized control and embrace decentralization.