Invest in the parallel economy by decentralizing your life and finances. Become an independent individual in full control of your digital life. Your life may depend on it.

“Some of the most advanced and beneficial technologies for human civilization will be financed by privacy focused crypto currencies and decentralized technology in the 21st century. This includes advancements in free energy, preservation of free will and human rights, anti-gravity, natural medicine and a new independent world wide web of decentralized businesses, individuals and communities.” – peerthings

A decentralized world wide web that protects the privacy of individuals may be a whole new system of wireless, fiber networks and operating systems that replace the current AI controlled centralized internet. Nothing Microsoft or Google offers is true about protection of privacy. Privacy happens with self ownership of encryption keys and open source operating systems.

Its difficult to predict how the parallel economy will grow but there is some indication it will eventually break away and create its own world wide web. The accelerated collapse of fiat government currencies, continuous funding of wars, the continued destruction of the quality of our food, AI pushing false narratives will help accelerate the transition to a more decentralized world wide web. Its a natural transition to a more decentralized world as people have seen their life savings get wiped away in cycles for nearly the past century. People will start to see how those who practice some of the tips below are more wealthy, happier, healthier and can think and express more independent ideas without censorship. They are simply living a better and more sustainable life.

If the current internet continues down the road of censorship, invading the privacy of individuals, digital IDs and central bank digital currencies this control grid will eventually fail due to its restrictive nature against human creativity, independence and advancement. Free will of humans and free market economies will be the only societies that provide a comfortable life and good future for generations to come. During that transition the technologies that move societies in the direction of decentralization will be mocked by main stream media as dangerous uncontrollable economies with radical ideas and solutions that do not work which are not safe for individuals and only used by criminals. All of which is a complete fabrication and so far from the truth it will eventually be obvious the centralized world of fabricated realities, lies and malicious agendas will not survive.

Maybe the most important list of your life. It could make you rich and will likely keep you alive during the transition to a decentralized world and decentralized internet. The future of finance, communications and business will follow some of these tips.

  • Move most of your financial portfolio out of banks and invest in things like real estate, gold, silver, and lots of crypto. In particular privacy based crypto currencies. Stop using Bitcoin or any public ledger cryptos! Public ledger technology is nearly 15 years old. Its old tech and its worse than a standard bank account. You are posting and advertising all your financial transactions to the world to be AI monitored and tracked. Since when did you tell everyone how much money was in your bank accounts.

  • If you are still being paid in dollars, keep your bank balance low by withdrawing every check and start using privacy based cryptos to pay for services. You should consider taking out your IRAs early and stop contributing to your 401k.
  • Move away from using Microsoft Windows machines. It is very apparent that Microsoft Windows no longer respects your privacy and requires the use of KYC. Anything with KYC is an invasion of your rights and privacy. Switch to Ubuntu. It is free, stable, protects your privacy and is very easy to install and use.
  • Get out of Android and IOS operating systems that will continue to introduce more back doors into your privacy. Focus on operating systems that protect and respect your privacy like GrapheneOS. You can easily purchase a current model mobile device and install GrapheneOS.
  • Reduce your use of major email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo mail or Microsoft. Set these accounts up to forward to either a self hosted email with your own domain name or a small business email provider. Slowly migrate out of the email system you have probably used for decades and start using more decentralized tools for end-to-end encrypted communication such as Session. WhatsApp may offer end-to-end encryption but they are centralized so they will have a back door and can restrict or shut down your communications.
  • Stop using major social media like Twitter and Facebook. Honestly if you are not making any money using them why are you using them. If you intend to build a business or brand with them they can destroy you in a second if you don’t meet certain criteria or abide by main stream narratives as they have proven through censorship and now a more subtle technique called shadow banning.

  • Main stream social media is designed to distract you and waste your time. Start using alternative media like Bitchute, Gab, Brighteon, Bastyon and Qortal. Set up ephemeral self hosted systems for temporary highly secure communication. Create your own Mastodon server and control your own content or join other small Mastodon servers. Build new online brands and networks that support free speech, privacy and decentralization.
  • Store extra food and medical supplies and be sure to have personal protection. Also have a good assortment of tools to repair things. Be ready for much more serious economic events to affect the supply chain even more.
  • Stop using centralized texting applications such as WhatsApp. Telegram was an alternative but there are signs Telegram will start to decline or implement censorship. Learn about peer to peer chat applications like Matrix / Element with end-to-end encryption and all the same features as WhatsApp or Telegram.
  • Mine privacy focused crypto currencies. Support privacy networks and support decentralized applications. Decentralized applications will be a lot more secure than any centralized system regardless of the media propaganda against decentralized tech. Decentralized social media and news could very well save your life some day and will very likely increase your overall financial wealth and knowledge.
  • If you are a good programmer. Invest time in building decentralized applications and share them with other developers. The opportunities for decentralization are bigger than the dotcom years. We need to see decentralization work not just with crypto currencies but also your electric car or home security system. The world is looking to decentralize virtually anything that is electronic and connected to the web.
  • Do not support or buy internet of things devices. That actually includes electric cars. They are not decentralized and just another way for a hacker and criminals to enter your home or hack your vehicle and as we have seen from recent events plant explosives in your vehicle. There will be a day when the public realizes electric vehicles need to also be managed using decentralized platforms and trusted private parties will need to inspect vehicles for malicious devices.
  • Learn how to use HF and UHF radios for short and long range communications.
  • Learn how to grow you own food. Become more self reliant, off grid and independent. Harvest your own water. The transition from centralized to decentralized will take time, create major wars and disrupt economies. In the mean time humanity will have to go back a few decades reducing our use of high tech until it becomes more decentralized. Then humanity can expand again and reach much higher levels of wealth, intelligence and prosperity.

  • Now that you know your device can be remote detonated and its clear big tech will do nothing about it you better think twice about how you purchase electronic devices. From recent events big tech has said nothing about how they are going to guarantee your devices do not contain explosives. You will have to screen your device using a trusted third party and for sure you will not want to use any main stream operating systems like Google Android. A blown up phone will disable your ability to transact crypto currencies. If nothing is done about this we may have to abandon portable digital devices that contain batteries that can be disguised as explosives and go back to devices without batteries until we have a way to guarantee the safety of portable electronic devices. A desktop computer is all of a sudden looking like a good option again in a home office. Traveling with plastic credit cards and cash is still the safest way to pay. Don’t forget to buy and travel with goldbacks!

  • And finally do everything opposite of Jim Cramer from Mad Money on CNBC. You are sure to make some gains if you listen to him and just simply do the opposite.